Skills & Drills classes at ClubWorx provide children with a wonderful outlet. We sat down to have a chat and learn more about Julianne Cohen who heads up the program.
What do you teach at ClubWorx?
I have worked at Clubworx for 4 1/2 years in the childcare center and teaching skills and drills.
Whats your background?
I’m a 48 year old California Native. I studied Journalism at SJSU married soon after graduation and started having babies. Hayley,24 Evan, 21 Grayson, 17 and Liam 6. I studied personal training and became a nutritionist from Arizona State online. My husband’s job in the Army brought us to NC.
Why do you like teaching Skills & Drills?
Skills and drills is meant to get the children moving. I have them stretch and run, we play organized games which helps teach cooperation. They learn to play fairly and engage with other children in a fun and competitive way.
Whats the most rewarding part of teaching?
I’m not a sideline teacher, I get in there with them I always play with them, often being flag guarder for Capture The Flag or anchor in the relay races.
Tell us a funny story about something that has happened during class
We share the basketball court with members who are playing basketball. Often times, I ask them to join us in a game of kickball or cross the ocean. The children LOVE it when the FV Fire Dept. plays with us.